

Your monthly bill makes it easy for you to identify key information, 了解你的澳门金沙登录成本并监控你的使用情况. The front of the statement provides a summary of your usage and charges in an easy-to-understand format. 在最后一页,你会找到账单的具体细节. 


    我是预算账单客户                 我是太阳能的客户 




Use the dropdown to see additional information about specific charges. 这取决于你接受的服务类型, your monthly bill details may look different than the example shown below.




Your due date and the amount due are located at the top of the front page, 还有你的账号和服务地址.



Easily compare this month’s usage to the same time last year and view reasons why your bill may have changed since last month.



The billing summary breaks down your charges into four categories that are displayed in a simple, 易读的图表.

  • 交付: 把澳门金沙登录送到你的地址的费用. 这有助于弥补电力线的成本, 澳门金沙登录提供该服务所需的技术和设备.
  • 澳门金沙登录供应: 电力的传导市场成本.
  • 税收: 地方和州的税费.
  • 其他: 信用,调整和其他费用包括在您的账单中.


In this section you’ll find useful safety information and specific tips to help you 保存 energy and money. 



如果你用邮寄的方式付账, detach the bottom of the front page and include this with your check in an envelope.



The last 12 months of usage history is available to help you see how this varies throughout the year.



Specifics about your monthly charges are shown by category and color-coded to match the monthly bill summary chart on the front page.



Important information about your account is included in the messages section.



Managing your account online provides easy access to resources and tools, including:

  • 查看您的使用和账单历史记录.
  • 启动、停止或转移服务.
  • 支付账单或更改付款方式.
  • 管理电子邮件和文本提醒.
  • 加入自动支付和无纸化账单等项目.


We offer several ways to pay your bill so that you can pick the one that’s right for you.

客户费用: 每月固定收费, 与澳门金沙登录使用分开, 这就收回了一部分固定运营成本, 例如客户会计和服务, as well as costs associated with our investments in customer-related equipment such as meters and 服务 lines.

需求收费: This charge recovers the costs for facilities required to meet the customer’s maximum demand. The facilities include generation plants, transmission and distribution lines, and equipment.

澳门金沙登录费用: This charge recovers certain costs of producing and delivering energy and the variable costs of producing energy not recovered through other cost adjustments.

分层率: Also known as an inverted block, these rates consist of two tiers. Tier 1, a lower rate, is charged for the first 500 kWh of usage in the billing period. Tier 2, a higher rate, is charged for all usage over 500 kWh in the billing period.

一般费率表调整(GRSA): The GRSA is a percentage increase (or decrease) authorized by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). The GRSA applies to the customer charge, demand charge and energy charge.

澳门金沙登录成本调整(ECA): This charge recovers costs for fuel consumed in the utility’s generating units to produce the customer’s energy usage. The ECA also recovers costs for energy purchased from other suppliers, 包括传输费, 与套期保值有关的成本, and certain accounting transfers from the RESA 由PUC授权.

采购容量成本调整(PCCA): This charge recovers the costs for generating capacity purchased from other suppliers.

清洁空气/清洁工作调整(CACJA): This adjustment recovers the utility’s ownership costs and expenses for the LM6000 generating turbine.

需求侧管理成本调整(DSMCA): The DSMCA recovers costs associated with the utility’s energy efficiency programs, 由PUC授权. These charges cover rebates, labor, materials and administrative costs of the program.

输电成本调整(TCA): The TCA recovers the utility’s ownership costs and expenses for certain transmission-related facilities not already included in base rates.

可再生澳门金沙登录标准调整: RESA为该公司的可再生澳门金沙登录项目澳门金沙登录提供资金, 根据科罗拉多州法律的要求, under which utilities must generate or purchase portions of their electricity from sun, 风, 水或生物质. The RESA is a percentage multiplier applied to all charges except the low-income program funding fee, 加盟费及地底费.

低收入计划资助费用: The Black Hills Energy Affordability Program (BHEAP) fee is a monthly charge required by the Colorado PUC to fund BHEAP, which provides energy assistance to eligible residential low-income customers in Colorado.

加盟费、县及州销售税: 这些费用和税款由镇/市决定, 县或州, 并适用于位于城镇/城市范围内的客户, 县或州.

地下的费用: 这笔费用弥补了在地下铺设管道的成本, 导体, devices and distribution lines required by the City of Pueblo for customers located within city limits.

特别天然气成本回收附加条款(EGCRR): This fee recovers the cost of fueling our naturalgas-powered Pueblo Airport Generation Station (PAGS) during extreme temperatures in February 2021.

澳门金沙登录援助系统利益费: This is a charge collected from utilities’ gas and electric customers unless customers opt-out or are otherwise exempted. The charge was enacted into Colorado law in 2021 (House Bill 21-1105), providing bill payment assistance for income-qualified customers. The assistance is administered by Energy Outreach Colorado (EOC).  客户可致电EOC 1-866-HEAT-HELP. Black Hills Energy customers may opt out of the monthly charge by emailing eaoptout@e4academia.net.

电动车骑手: This is the rate all COE customers pay for the PUC required Transportation Electrification Plan, 也就是我们的Ready EV计划.